Sunday, December 10, 2023

It is that time of year again - WOOHOO!!!

Time to choose the reading challenges for 2024  and with this list...I am happy to say that this qualifies me for the Reading Addict Challenge! (Link on side of my blog)

1) First up is  Calendar of Crime (again).  I have yet to complete the Calendar of Crime, but 2024 is a great time to do it!

2) Next is of course the Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks I LOVE this challenge!!!! 

3) My favorite one: Brighter Winter Reading Challenge.  Hands down my absolut3) e FAVORITE part of the New Year.

4) I am going to try a new one this year: 2024 Classics Reading Challenge hosted by Tea and Ink Society.  Just by the name alone, I know I am going to loooove this challenge.  

5) And I am going to (again) try the G3 Reading Challenge.  This is another one that I start off strong with, but then forget about it a few months in.  

6) And best of all, after not publishing this last year I was afraid he had decided not to do the reading challenge anymore...but I checked this morning and YAY - Tim Challies' 2024 Christian Reading Challenge was released.

7) And I decided to give Growing4Life's Bible Reading challenge another chance. 

And with these, I am officially On the Roof!  \

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